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How to find duplicate files in Google Drive

There are many causes that can cause a cloud hosting service to fill up, as we can imagine. Among others we can name the fact of uploading large files. But without a doubt something that can be repeated often is having the same folder uploaded twice.

This can happen if we make a backup copy . Let's take as an example that we want to upload the mobile photos folder to free up space and also have them available at all times. However, it may happen that that folder has already been uploaded previously and we do not remember it. We would be storing the same files twice, with the consequent unnecessary waste of space.

We already know that cloud storage platforms often have limited space . It is techqueer true that over time they have improved and offer more than before, but it can also be insufficient in many cases. Therefore it is convenient to have this controlled.

To search for duplicate files we can use a free extension for Google Drive. digitalknowledgetoday We can download it from the official Google browser store. We always recommend installing this type of add-ons from official sources and thus avoid taking risks that affect the security of the device.

How to use Duplicate File Finder for Google Drive

The process to use this extension is very simple. Once we have added it to healthnutritionhints the browser, it will ask us to link the account. We will see a code that will have to be pasted in it to verify that it is us.

Once we have it ready, click on Select files from Google Drive . smartdiethealth  We can make it search the entire platform or just a specific folder that we want.

When we have selected what interests us, we can click on start scanning. In my case, I have tried to analyze the mobile photos folder to see if there are duplicate files. If there healthfitnesschampion were, they would appear below and we would simply have the option to eliminate them without really being interested. In case we do not have duplicate files, the message will appear.

It should be mentioned that it allows us to modify the search as we want. We can select the type of files, if they are folders shared by us, etc. A wide range of possibilities always with the aim of preventing Google Drive from filling up with unnecessary files .